Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Death by Fruit - backgrounds

Here is a little 'logo' I made to represent 'Death by Fruit' in its new style.

Here are some backgrounds made to look like classical Greek vases.
Mount Olympus
Dome - Outside
Dome - Inside
The Underworld
I used a rough textured brush on Photoshop to try to emulate the rough texture of a vase. I wanted to stray away from it looking too smooth or digital.
I had difficulty with the borders at first because I made them too thin, trying to make sure they didn't obscure from the characters. However, there weren't visible enough. So I made the borders thicker and more obvious and I feel they work well without deterring from the scene. 

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Death by Fruit - characters

For my third year project I changed the title from 'Hades' to 'Death by Fruit', because I felt that this title was catchier and better resembled the story.

I changed the style, making it more unique looking. The characters are made to look like chalk by using a rough brush of bright colour over a dark silhouette. Each character has a different colour so that they can be easily identified and distinguished.

I decided to cut Demeter and Poseidon from the script to keep it more concise and revolve around the main characters; Zeus, Hades and Persephone.